Inclusion and Inclusive Practices

University of Northern Iowa Inclusive Education

Site for general education teachers, special education teachers, parents, and school staff to help provide some answers about how inclusive education can be accomplished.

Iris Center for Faculty Enhancement

National effort, serving college faculty working in pre-service preparation programs, aims to ensure that general education teachers are prepared to work with students with disabilities.

A great collection of Modules are available for instructors (teacher educators) or classroom teachers.

Kids Together Inc.

Providing helpful information and resources to enhance the quality of life for children and adults with disabilities, and communities as a whole.

Layered Curriculum for Educators by Kathie Nunley

Teaching tips and resources to promote the layered curriculum approach to inclusion.

The Inclusion Network

An umbrella group that helps raise awareness of inclusion, recognize exemplary inclusive efforts, provide technical assistance and link individuals with and without disabilities.

Carreers in Special Education

National Clearinghouse for careers in Special Education

The Center for Disability and Community Inclusion

The Center on Disability & Community Inclusion, is part of a national network of developmental disabilities programs established to support individuals with disabilities and their families.

Michael Giangreco's site

A collection of links and books specifically targeting inclusion.

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